Toddlers at Hospital Fresh 48 Photoshoots

One of the biggest concerns people with older children have with an in-hospital newborn session (Fresh 48) is how to deal with their young toddlers. Many of my families have kids close together. My girls are only 21 months apart, so I get it. They obviously want to have the whole family present, but they worry about how the toddler will act and react. Here are some ways that you can make your hospital Fresh 48 photoshoot with a toddler successful and ease those concerns.

  • Know your kid- If your kid is a mover, and won't sit still, don't expect them to in the hospital. If your child is young and doesn't comprehend much, don't expect them to immediately be sweet with a new baby that is taking all of the attention. If your child plays a little rougher, expect to have some space between the baby and your toddler to ensure everyone's safety.

  • Have backup- If your toddler will be at the hospital with you for the shoot, have someone else bring them. That way, once the photos with your other kiddos are done they can leave the room immediately and go do something interesting to them, like hang in the waiting room with their toys or walk around the lobby with a grandparent. The last thing you want to worry about is entertaining a toddler and making sure they don't push all of the buttons in the room or act out for attention.

  • Set expectations low- There are so many sweet moments that can happy when a new baby is brought into this world. Your kids will have them! They may not happen in the hospital. My oldest was only moderately interested in the new baby and mostly interested in the presents she got. Most kids are not overly sweet with the baby at first, unless they are a little older. Expect it to be raw, and chaotic, and yes, tender at times, too. Don’t expect to get a perfect family photo in the hospital.

  • Introduce the siblings prior to the session- If at all possible, introduce the kids at another time. A new baby can be overwhelming for a toddler, and the first time may not go as your planned. Give them some time to adjust to the new baby and to get all of the first introduction jitters out of the way.

If you set yourself up for success using those tips, the real, honest moments that happen with your brand new family in the first 48 hours are pure magic.

If you are looking for a more controlled session where we can spend more time trying to get a traditional family or sibling photo, opt for an in-home newborn session, or better yet, do both! I regularly photograph Fresh 48s at CPMC and UCSF in San Francisco and Marin General in Marin. Newborn sessions are held at your home in either SF or Marin in the Bay Area.


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