When is the best time to take lifestyle newborn photos?

Lifestyle newborn photography is a beautiful way to capture the early days of a baby's life. Unlike posed newborn photography, which typically takes place in a studio setting with specific poses and props, lifestyle photography captures the natural moments of a family's daily life with their newborn. I will gently guide you through each stage of the session to make sure you and your family are comfortable and always know what to do!

One of the best times to schedule a lifestyle newborn photography session is when your baby is between 2 weeks and 3 months old. During this time, your baby is still very new and small, but they have started to develop their own personality and show some of their unique characteristics. I always say that as long as you are in that time frame, the best time is when you are ready!

Before three months, it’s easier to capture those beautiful, intimate shots of your baby in your arms or cuddled up with family members. As your baby grows, they become more active and may not want to stay still for long periods, and while that can be awesome for a sitter session in-home, it may not be the vibe you are looking for in your newborn photos.

At around 2-3 weeks old, your baby starts to become more alert and engaged with the world around them. They may start to focus on faces, make eye contact, and even smile, which can make for some amazing photos. If you aren’t ready for photos within the first month, waiting for their social smile to come in can be a really special thing to capture.

I always recommend scheduling at least 2 weeks after your due date because after the first few weeks of having a newborn, parents start to settle into a routine and become more comfortable with the idea of having a photographer in their home. If you have the baby early, or are just feeling awesome that first week home, we can fit you in earlier, too!

If you haven’t had your baby yet, you can take a look at my schedule and book a spot 2-3 weeks after your due date. If you had your baby and are ready, go ahead and grab one right away. There’s usually plenty of space for my newborn families, but if there isn’t reach out and we can see what we can find.

I currently travel to San Francisco and all of Marin county for lifestyle in-home newborn shoots and photograph in apartments and homes big and small! To see what your session could look like, click here.

I can’t wait to meet you and your baby!


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